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Thursday, April 15, 2021

Week 11: Marketing with Twitter, LinkedIn, Social Influencers


So here we go with Twitter, LinkedIn and Social Influencers. I am not a big on Social Media (SM) to begin with. I have Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Truth be told, I probably wouldn’t have any of them if it were not for family and this class. I rarely use the three I have, much less, post anything. I’m of that age which Millennials refer to me as a “Boomer”. Although, I am not of the “Baby Boomer” generation. I am a member of “Gen X”. I didn’t sign up for it. I was born into it. An unasked-for birth right of sorts.

Now, don’t get wrong, I am not anti-SM. I would just rather be doing other things. Call me ‘Old Fashion’. However, I prefer ‘Old School’.

Let’s talk about Twitter for a moment. Over the last decade or so, this SM has exploded. It seems that every tweet is newsworthy. Let’s take the last four years. Every politician and celebrity who uses the platform makes me want to use it less. The news agencies like to use it and twist things around. Just a hot mess if you ask me. Don’t get me wrong, there are some good things about the platform. People and businesses alike can put out fast messages and broadcast it to all of their followers. The followers can then re-tweet things they feel are worthy of such an action. I have seen complaints from consumers be quickly remedied by a business. This can be an effective way to quickly satisfy an issue and turn a negative into a positive.

I feel that many individuals using Twitter are a little attention starved. Giving every aspect of your daily routine to the general public is a little much. I really have no interest in what you had before breakfast, when you took your dog for a walk or that you paid a bill. Good for you! You ‘Adulted’ today.

LinkedIn is a platform on which I have an account. Like the other SMs I have, I don’t use it often. As a matter of fact, it’s the least used. There are some good tools on the platform. I like the jobs posting, recruiting, networking and ability to endorse people. I have a great job as an Electronics Technician with a concentration in computers. People endorse me for my technical skills and various other things. This is great if/when I may be looking for other employment. A potential employer can view my profile and see these things. Which may give me a little bump in credit with the interviewer. Headhunters or recruiters may use this to find potential candidates for companies seeking people in specific skill sets. I have had several employment offers based on my profile, despite it being poorly maintained and rarely updated. I have not looked into the B-to-B side of LinkedIn for myself. I have enough trouble at this point juggling full-time employment and being a full-time student.

Social Influencers, Ugh. When did this become a thing? I guess it’s a great way for people addicted to SM to make some extra money. A person becomes a Social Influencer by over posting, at least that’s the way I see it. Once they achieve a certain number of followers, likes, reposts and so on, they can become Brand Ambassadors. I know a guy that does this as a side hustle. He has 3 grills, works at a butcher shop and is always posting about grilling meat. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you probably don’t like this guy. Anyway, he posts meats, seasoning, tools, utensils and whatever else he used when grilling. He achieved the right number of post and followers. Now, he is being sent things and meat for free. Once he posts about them, he works to get as many likes, reposts and more followers as he can. When he reaches that magic number, he gets money. Great for him. I don’t know where he finds the time. Some Social Influencers have reached a point where this is just their full-time job. Get the products for free, post the heck out of it and collect money.

Maybe I should try this for geriatric products once I retire. I can endorse Viagra, Metamucil, adult diapers and other various items older people need. If I’m getting paid, I’ll do it with a great big smile on my face.

For anyone that is interested or read this far, below is my LinkedIn.

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