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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Week 6 Part A: Engaging Your Customers – FaceBook Strategy

 For this blog post, we were to like seven businesses FaceBook pages which would be good strategic connections. I liked seven pages. Not all of them are businesses. There is a reason for this. Five of the liked pages belong to different entities of the Marines Corps. I work for the Marine Corps as a civilian. The page I set-up to better help my customers. I need to take a business approach to what would be helpful to my customers. Two of the liked pages are actual businesses. The following are the pages I liked with an explanation as to why I selected them.

L3-Harris. This company is one of the primary providers of communications equipment to the military. They also supply a few Electro-optical devices. I support the primary test equipment and applications required to test the equipment supplied by this company. So, if a customer is looking at information about test equipment and needs to know more about the item being tested, they will be one step closer to the company.

Astronics Test Systems. This company has been contracted to provide some of the test equipment that I support. Their name is on the equipment. My customers will see the equipment in photos on my page (when I get time to post more). If we are looking at providing the end user with new equipment, it may come from this company. Again, the customer will be one step closer to information from that company.

Now the rest of these are different entities of the Marine Corps…..

U.S.Marine Corps. This is the page of the Marine Corps. It gives the overall happenings are the fleet as we call it. All my customers are Marines and will likely take interest. Seeing that My page has an interest, I feel, gives me some credibility.

Camp Pendleton. This is where my office is located. I am imbedded with one of the units there. They have a large footprint of test equipment. The Intermediate Maintenance Activity is also located here. I work pretty close with these Marines on a regular basis.

 U.S. Marine Corps Tactical System Support Activity (MCTSSA). Before many of the items Marines use actually get to the Marines, they are tested and vetted here. They are also located on Camp Pendleton. I have worked with the people here in the past. Future projects will have me collaborating with them. MCTSSA is a division of Marine Corps Systems Command.

Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC). These are the people who decide what is going to be purchased and why. I work with them on design, specs and other technical aspects of the test equipment which is/will be utilized by the Marines.

And last, but not least…..

Marine Corps Logistics Command (MCLC). The test applications come from MCLC. MCSC finds and procures the tester. MCLC develops the test application. Often the cost is too great to produce in house. They find companies and contract them to produce various test applications. We work with the companies to ensure that the applications meet our needs and requirements. This is the branch I fall under.

So, all of these are important in one way or another. There are more, but these are my top 7.

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