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Monday, February 22, 2021

Week 4 Post 2: Defining YOUR target Audience

 In this instance, I have been gifted with my target audience….. Marines!!!

I have been associated with the Marines for over 26 years. I have to work with a few technical Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) The MOS is a designator for a Marines job. I work, primarily, with Marines in two different fields. One is the Communications and Electronics Maintenance field the other is the Ordnance and Optics field. Both fields have similarities and differences. However, one common thing remains and makes my role easier…… they are Marines. I speak the lingo. I know the jargon. Explaining technical aspects of the equipment is fairly simple.

My main goal is for these men and women to be able to reach out for assistance anywhere they are in the world. If social media is the way, then so be it. The front line depends on the support of the technicians repairing and servicing the equipment. I provide the support for the test equipment. Test equipment which automates several major aspects of testing. This allows for faster turn-around time of items to be repaired.

I know the test equipment. I know a little about much of the equipment it tests. I really need to invest more time learning more about the items we are able to test. Its difficult! We have over a dozen applications. Some only test a few items. Others test a dozen or so. Access to testable equipment is usually limited. Not to mention, its often changing and being upgraded.

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Week 17: Wrapping it up!!!

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